Legal Notice

MICE - Genuine Ourense


INORDE – Ourense Economic Development Institute, a local autonomous body of an administrative nature, dependent on the PROVINCIAL DEPUTATION OF OURENSE, aims at the economic development of the province of Ourense, taking into account environmental and social aspects, which help the sustainable development of the whole province

INORDE – Instituto Ourensano de Desarrollo Económico, is particularly aware of the protection of personal data of Users of the services of the website.

INORDE – Instituto Ourensano de Desarrollo Económico informs the USERS of the uses to which the personal data collected on this website is put, so that they can decide, freely and voluntarily, whether they wish to provide the requested information.

INORDE – Instituto Ourensano de Desarrollo Económico informs the USERS of the uses to which the personal data collected on this website is put, so that they can decide, freely and voluntarily, whether they wish to provide the requested information. Any modification to it will be announced in advance, so that you have perfect knowledge of its content.

Basic information - 1st layer of data protection

  • RESPONSIBLE AND DPO: OURENSANO INSTITUTE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (INORDE), with N.I.F.: P8200001I, address at Rúa do Progreso nº53, 1º, 32003, Ourense and email address: You can contact the Data Protection Officer ( DPD) at the above address.
  • PURPOSE: The collection and processing of personal data is carried out to incorporate them into the Processing Activity Register (RAT) for which INORDE is responsible, and to manage and respond to requests for information from interested users.
  • LEGITIMATION: Public interest and express consent of the interested party.
  • RECIPIENTS: The data may be transferred when necessary for the correct provision of the service or attention to requests by INORDE.
  • RIGHTS: The interested users have the right to access their data, rectification or deletion, limitation of its treatment, or to oppose the treatment, as well as the portability of the same.
  • SOURCE OF THE DATA: The data comes from the interested user himself/herself.

Additional information - 2nd layer of data protection

Responsible and DPD

The person responsible for the treatment of personal data is the INSTITUTO OURENSANO DE DESENVOLVEMENTO ECONÓMICO (INORDE), with address at: Rúa Progreso nº 53, 1º, 32003, Ourense and electronic address with a Data Protection Delegate Data (DPD), to which you can go at the above address.

Purpose of Treatment

The purpose of the collection and processing of personal data, by INORDE – Ourensano Institute of Economic Development, responds, according to the specific case, to the management and attention of requests for information, doubts or suggestions, to carry out statistical studies, or, for sending publications or information about any service or activity, event or event provided, offered, sponsored and/or sponsored (including newsletter) by INORDE – Ourense Economic Development Institute.

Conservation Period

The personal data provided will be kept for the minimum necessary time, unless by legal imperative there is an obligation to keep them for a longer time or until you exercise your right of deletion, as long as the data is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which they are treated.


INORDE – Instituto Ourensano de Desarrollo Económico, is legitimate for the processing of personal data, based on the fulfillment of a mission carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of public powers and, based on the consent granted by the interested party for one or more specific purposes , as stated in article 6.1. e) and 6.1 a) of the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data.


INORDE – Ourense Institute of Economic Development, may transfer the data to the PROVINCIAL DEPUTATION OF OURENSE, the body to which the Ourense Institute of Economic Development-Inorde depends or to other public administrations, as long as it strictly transfers the necessary personal data and these are related to the purpose chased

Rights of interested parties

Interested parties may exercise their data protection rights:

  • Right to request access to personal data relating to the interested party,
  • Right to request to request its rectification or deletion,
  • Right to request the limitation of your treatment,
  • Right to object to processing,
  • Right to data portability

Such rights may be exercised by contacting the Data Controller, INORDE – Instituto Ourensano de Desarrollo Económico, either at its address located at Rúa Progreso nº53, 1º, 32003, Ourense or at the email address ; to your Data Protection Officer-DPD, at the above postal address and, in the event of no response, you may exercise your rights by contacting the Spanish Data Protection Agency -AEPD-, via https://www, attaching in any case a photocopy of the NIF, NIE or valid passport.

Security measures

The person responsible for the treatment INORDE – Ourensano Institute of Economic Development will apply appropriate technical and organizational measures to guarantee a level of security adequate to the risk thereof, in accordance with art. 32 of the RGPD.